Tips for Using Coupons
- Make sure to use coupons!
- Use coupons and shop on sales.
- I look at sales fliers online weekly and match coupons and sales.
- Use
and print your own groceries and other coupons.
- Avoid impulse purchases. Make yourself go to a store twice before you make a big purchase.
- Match up coupons with sales.
- Use coupons, keep an eye on good deals, and buy in bulk.
- My best tip is to use coupons on products that you buy.
- Use coupons, watch sales and check the clearance racks.
- Also use coupon codes when shopping online. You can use this coupon code: DRYBB on these websites:,,,,,,,,, and You will save 20% off your first order from EACH website.
- Use a free coupon with a Buy One, Get One Free offer, doubling your savings!
- Make a budget, use coupons, buy items on sale and use cash so you don't overspend.
- Only shop sales, use coupons and make a plan so you don't overspend.
- Food is a big ticket item, follow the sales, use coupons, cut down on non essential food items,you'll save money and learn to eat healthier.
- I religiously cut coupons and follow several great blogs that feature coupon matchups at local stores, so I can shop efficiently, quickly and most cost-effectively.
- My car is a walking coupon shop. I have an envelope with coupons for shopping such as Macy's, Express, Chico's etc. Then I have another with restaurant and fast food restaurants. Then the last is for grocery store items. I continually check Groupon, the radio and newspapers for deals to purchase both for at home and as gifts. We live on what we earn. We do not go out or buy unless we have the money for it. We drive older cars and my husband is in the car business. We save as much as we can in the 401K and have a savings for unexpected expenses. We pay off credit cards, do not take out loans and you'd be surprised what we earn. We would never stop in a coffee shop for a coffee when you can make it at home. We don't drink alcohol so that saves money.

Thanks again to all of my readers who contributed many of these tips. If you have more money saving tips, please share them in the comments below. Your tip may be featured in a future compilation!
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