Get Adam Hewison’s eBook version of "RIGHT ON THE MONEY: The definitive guide to forecasting foreign exchange rates," for FREE! Learn the same trading principles that major banks and hedge fund managers use every day to make millions.
"Stocks and Commodities Magazine” reviewed his book and called it "a killer product".
Leo Melamed, credited with creating financial futures in the United States, wrote in the foreword to Adam’s book, "… excellent educational reference for every serious trader."
Along with receiving "RIGHT ON THE MONEY" for free, you will also receive two winning portfolio's that share many of the same principals as "RIGHT ON THE MONEY."
Our conservative "Perfect Portfolio" uses ETF's in a way that may surprise you. This portfolio has produced annual returns of 29% for each of the past 5 years in some of the most volatile and turbulent markets in recent history. Here's a little secret, THE PERFECT PORTFOLIO only tracks 4 ETFs. * We will share with you the exact trading strategy and formula for filtering trades that we use to achieve those outstanding results.
The leveraged World Cup Portfolio was created in 2007 and has produced annual returns in excess of 100% for each of the last three years. This portfolio tracks just 6 markets that we believe can all be game changers in the future. This portfolio has produced gains in 10 of the last 12 quarters and has never lost money in any 12 month period. In addition to the six markets, we will share with you the *exact trading strategy and formula for filtering trades that we use to achieve those outstanding results.
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If you are one of the next 1,000 investors/traders to sign up for a 30 Day Risk-Free trial to MarketClub, you will also receive complete information, formulas, and instructions to both the World Cup Portfolio and the Perfect Portfolio.
I am not sure how long they are going to offer the exact trading strategy and formulas for filtering trades that they use to achieve those outstanding results as they do not want to disturb the harmony of these two portfolios. If you want this valuable information on two cutting edge portfolios, plus Adam’s eBook "RIGHT ON THE MONEY," you need to act now.
Disclaimer: I am an affiliate and member of Although I have been able to make money using their MarketClub product, no guarantees can be made. All investments involve risks, so please consider your objectives wisely before investing.
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