Where do dead blogs go? I have a few of them listed on my blogroll, and I'm not sure what I should do. Money, Matter, and More Musings (link might not work) written by golbguru, has pretty much ceased publishing. For a few months his postings have been sporadic, and increasingly negative in tone. Then in May, he posted what most would consider to be a rant about a need for internet income regulations reform (link might not work). Several commenters on his blog were openly concerned about what happened to golb. Personally, I tried sending a couple of Emails offering him some moral support, but he never responded. I am still scratching my head about what happened.
Retiring Early has been AWOL since last September, though this blog remains on my blogroll. He stopped writing at about the same time that he reached the $1 million mark on his net worth. When I contacted him, he seemed to indicate that he was busy, but would resume posting sometime soon. That was over half a year ago...
There are many other dead blogs in the PF blogosphere. The blog Million Dollar Count Down inspired me to write my post What happened to the exuberant PF bloggers? He has not been heard from for over a year.
And the list goes on. Some other blogs that I used to read include:
Seattle Simplicity who apparently decided to simplify her life by eliminating her blog.
300 @ 30 who expects to live until 120, and is still waiting for 3 unspecified things to happen in his life before posting again.
Money 360, who after a few starts and stops, is in a permanent retooling phase.
My Money Path formerly authored by a young certified public accountant. Leave it to a CPA to explain how shelling out over $1200 for Dodgers playoff tickets doesn't affect his net worth unless the team actually makes the playoffs.
Clutter2Cash whose last post gave us a net worth update, just before she seemed to drop off the face of the Earth.
I did try to contact a few of these bloggers about their apparently dead blogs. In most cases, I didn't get any response. Of those that I did reach, they clearly seemed not to want to be contacted.
Sometimes dead blogs do come back to life. Penny Foolish was one of the blogs that originally inspired me to start my own blog. You can tell that I used the same color scheme as Kira did. Her blog was idle for a long stretch from September until June, but it looks like she is back. Let's hope that she'll keep up the posting.
Another blog, calgirlfinance, went on an 11 month hiatus before coming back. Actually that one was a bit of cliffhanger as the writer informed her readers in the last post before her wedding that she had not told her fiance (now husband) about the blog. Many readers assumed that things didn't go over too well when she finally let him know.
Note: I usually contact a blogger to let them know if I have written a post linking to their blog. However, since it is clear that many of these PF bloggers no longer wish to be contacted, I will not be doing that this time.
My kids and notes: Year 9.11
5 hours ago
I believe the coined term is blogger apathy.
ReplyDeleteYou either run out of stuff to write about and it becomes increasingly difficult to create a post to the point where you no longer want to do it, or you just grow tired of writing. And once you stop posting on a continuous basis it can be hard to get back into it.
I've personally been there a few times (and haven't been writing much as of late).
Sure, I can understand blogger apathy. But, I don't understand how someone can be posting on a continuous basis one day, and then virtually disappear all of a sudden. That part seems strange to me...
ReplyDeleteInteresting and well-written story. I imagine people "hit a wall" at some point, or what they thought they would get out of it doesn't come to fruition so they give up (Seth Godin’s The Dip). I just started a cruise industry blog at www.ryanwahlstrom.com as a way to just put down my thoughts down as I work to quickly learn about an industry. I’ve found the outpouring of energy and ideas to be quite liberating. I have a goal in mind, what happens after that – not sure.
ReplyDeleteI recently came accross your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.